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Friendship Week/Children in Need/Grandparents Morning

During Friendship Week we had a great time making friendship potions, writing poems, making friendship trees and thinking about how we can be good friends to those around us. We had an assembly on co-operation where we thought about how we should always work together so that we can achieve things and make ourselves and others feel happy.


We ended the week with Children in Need and Grandparents morning! We took part in lots of Pudsey Bear activities where our visitors could see what it was like in a classroom in 2022. We had lots of fun decorating biscuits, making bookmarks and showing our Grandparents where we learn and have fun with our friends. We brought in money to donate to Children in Need and were excited to wear our own clothes for the day.



Thank you all for your donations.  We raised a total of £241.43 for Children in Need

