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Westfields Infant School

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Mrs Anderson and Miss Redmond warmly welcome you to Owl Class




We are a wonderful class who always look out for one another. We enjoy making new friends and know important it is to be kind. In Owl Class we always work hard and enjoy sharing our work with the rest of the class. We are very lucky to also have Mrs Fairminer and Miss Cuthbert to help us with our learning.



In Owl Class we always work really hard to follow the Golden Rules. We treat our teachers and friends with respect and we listen carefully to the views of others. We are also very good at following our class charter: we thought of these rules together to ensure our class is a happy, safe place so we can be the best learners that we can be! We have a special class treat jar and we fill it up with marbles by following the Golden Rules. Once we have collected 30 marbles, we decide on a class treat! It is lots of fun!


We have a fantastic, spacious classroom with lots of interesting areas! Our book corner is full of fascinating stories with many cuddly toys to snuggle up to when reading a book. We love having our handwriting on display and Mrs Anderson gives us a special sticker if we are chosen to put our work on the wall. We use our Working Walls every day to help us with our Writing and Maths.




Year 2 is full of interesting and amazing topics. We have several interesting Design and Technology units such as making our own ‘Wild Things’ where we use all sorts of materials to create our own monsters. We also develop our sewing skills when making our own pencil cases in the summer term! In Science we learn about forces as well as the world around us and use a range of materials to conduct exciting experiments! We love learning new facts and developing our skills!
