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Westfields Infant School

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Miss Ridley warmly welcomes you to Fox Class




In Fox Class we enjoy a learning environment which encourages inquisitive minds, problem solving and lots of opportunities to explore the great outdoors. 


We are supported by the fantastic Mrs Setchfield and Miss Eades. Mrs Setchfield is our creative director so always has a craft project (and glitter!) up her sleeve. Miss Eades loves singing and dancing so she can always be found leading a magical music moment somewhere around Year R.


Indoors, we have a very popular ‘builders corner’ which encourages the children to think of ideas, plan, collaborate and review structures. The results are incredible and very creative!



We spend lots of time in our snug book corner which is filled with opportunities to develop literacy skills and a love of reading. It is stocked with story bags, rhyme cards, notebooks (for writing our own stories!) as well as a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. 




All the activities in the classroom are self-selective, which encourages autonomy of learning. When it’s time to tidy up, we are so fantastic at looking after property and caring for our classroom. Each child has their very own ‘classroom job’ which they take great pride in. We are quite an independent bunch!


In Fox Class we follow our Golden Rules to ensure that everybody in the class has a safe, fun and engaging environment to learn and explore in. We also work hard to achieve stars in our jar to work towards a class treat to celebrate the teamwork and amazing choices the class have made!


Outside, we always have time for lots of messy play in the mud kitchen where all types of learning is possible, including phonics and numeracy. We are very lucky to be able to go outside in all weathers and learn alongside our friends from Squirrel and Hedgehog Class.


We are so proud of our class and look forward to all the adventures to come!


