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Westfields Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children who have a right to feel safe and secure and cannot learn effectively unless they do so.  To achieve our commitment and prime responsibility, we ensure continuous development and improvement of robust safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst all of our staff, governors and volunteers.


We are committed to challenging and safeguarding our pupils, enabling them to become:

  • Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution, both socially and economically, to society.


Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies, Procedures and Safeguarding Guidance applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school.


Five useful articles for parents to help keep their children safe online


To help parents engage with their child's online activities, these articles have been reproduced from the website, created by education programme from the National Crime Agency's CEOP Command.

Many children enjoy gaming online.  This article explores the different elements of gaming with a particular focus on how it can be used by offenders but focusing on what parents can do to support their child while gaming.

Lots of parents love sharing photos of their children with friends and family, particularly when they are on holiday or starting the new school year.  A recent report found that 42% of young people reported that their parents had done this without asking their permission.  Our article helps parents to protect their child while staying social. 

Whether it's watching videos, playing games on their devices or talking to Alexa - today's children are spending more time online.  In this article we look at the benefits of children accessing the internet and share advice about how parents can make sure their child has a safe experience online.

Many children enjoy live streaming as it can be used to showcase talent, develop communication skills and create identity.  Our article helps parents to understand why children love it, what the risks can be and how they can help their child stay safe if they are live streaming.

Parental controls are a great tool for helping to protect children but should not replace open and honest conversations with children about their life online.  We hope you find these tips on how to use parental controls effectively useful.

Jessie and Friends is a series of three animations from an online safety specialist at the National Crime Agency's CEOP Command.


The videos follow the adventures of Jessie, Tia and Mo as they begin to navigate the online world, watching videos, sharing pictures and playing games. A storybook accompanies each episode which help adults keep the conversation going with children.
