School Dinners
Hampshire County Council Education Catering Information
Universal Free School Meals
School meals are cooked at the Junior School and sent over to us. There are lunchtime supervisors who look after the children during the lunch break.
For children in Year R to 2 there is no charge for a hot school meal.
The school meals service provides a balanced and nutritious meal consisting of several choices of hot dishes, fresh vegetables and salads. Wholefood ingredients are used in the bread, pastry and pasta dishes. A pudding is also included. The Primary Hampshire School Menu can be found above.
All children will be asked to complete their dinner order daily and the class teachers will guide the children in using the dinner system.
Please discuss with your child which dinner they will be having each day.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch to school as an alternative to a school meal. Please send packed lunches in a clearly marked lunch box/bag. (The soft style with an insulated liner is strongly recommended. It helps to keep food at a constant temperature in the classroom). Drinks should be packed inside the container in an unbreakable ‘leak proof’ container with a drinking straw. During the summer weather, it is advisable to include an ice pack to keep food at a safe temperature.
Please do not include fizzy drinks, sweets and items in packing which the children may find difficult to open independently, e.g. squeezy yoghurts, cheese dippers etc. We are a nut free school in order to protect children who have allergies. Please do not send any items made from nuts e.g. peanut butter sandwich.
Children in Reception classes may wish to take advantage of the EEC subsidised milk for nursery children. Milk is delivered in one third pint cartons. It is free to children who are four years old, and if your child is over five they are still entitled to subsidised milk.