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Year 2

Long Term Overview

Learning Overview - Summer 2024

Termly News

Spring Term 2024

We have certainly had a lot of exciting learning going on this term, highlights have definitely included: World Book Day, Science Week, Safer Internet Day and World Religion Day!

During World Book Day we had so much fun finding out about the stories of Mr Penguin and we know many of the children have been keen to find his other books too which is absolutely wonderful! Some children have even written their own Mr Penguin stories – we may have some budding authors in Year 2! We have continued to read a lot to get as many certificates as we can on the Dino Reading Challenge and many children have achieved Tyrannosaurus Rex Certificates which is something to be proud of; well done to all those that have read frequently!

This term in our writing lessons, we wrote our own versions of a story as if we were the seagulls inspired by the storybook, The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch. We also pretended to be a lighthouse keeper to write a diary entry, where we were able to use a range of adjectives and adverbs to explain how terrible the day was until the villagers came to the rescue – read our diaries to find out what happened.

In Maths we have worked hard with developing our understanding and recall of multiplication. We have learnt how to use counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve real-life problems. We have also learnt to read the time for o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Our teachers were proud of how well we learnt to read the time and sometimes we still tell the teacher when it says a time we recognise. Recently we looked at finding halves, quarters and thirds of amounts.

Our Science, PSHE and DT work has been all about staying healthy. We looked at what this meant including: eating a balanced diet, exercising, sleeping, keeping clean and drinking. We even did some tests to work out which exercises made our hearts beat faster. We also thought about medicines, what they do, how they help us and why we should never take them if we are not ill. In DT we were able to plan and make a fruit cocktail which was great fun.

We have really enjoyed visiting the Junior School for special events such as Safer Internet Day where we were able to look at technology from long ago – the teachers remembered lots of the old gadgets – they must be getting old! Our task was to be detectives and order all of the objects, it was really interesting to learn about how they were used and how they have changed over time.

In Science Week we developed our skills as scientists; we got to share information about dinosaurs and put them on a timeline, it was fascinating to learn about the different eras of time and which dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

Autumn Term 2023

Autumn term in Year 2 - September seems like such a long time ago; The children settled well into their new classes with lots of exciting learning.  We had some mysterious footprints in our class rooms which we now think were from 'Wild Things' and we discovered an unusual door that took us to a new world.  These helped us to develop our imagination and vocabulary when writing our own stories.  We enjoyed our 'Reading Matters Week' and the start of the new Dino Reading Challenge - we have all improved how many times we read each week which is so important.

We found out that maths is all around us.  We practised our number bonds and realised that when we know simple facts we can use them to help us solve more complicated problems.  We have looked at shapes in the environment, identified their properties and found lines of symmetry.  The children became confident with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and many even started learning to count in 3s!  We have learnt how to measure carefully in centimetres too.

In Science we have enjoyed testing different materials to see if they were waterproof.  Everyone across our classes had a job to do and everyone worked well as a team.  We also investigated friction and tested the best surfaces for rolling a car or a marble.

One of this term's highlights has got to be making our very own Wild Things!  We designed them, planned how to make them and then made a model of one - what a great morning we had!

Finally the term ended with a fantastic performance of our Nativity Play 'Children of the World' which we were lucky enough to perform in St. Peter's church.  There were some very proud teachers that night.
