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Westfields Infant School

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Introduction from the Chair of Governors

Our school has a very committed Governing body who work actively to help improve and support the school. We are actively involved in the life of the school, making regular visits to see the work of the school.


I would like to take the opportunity to explain the role of school governors and who we are.         


The Governing body is accountable for the school’s overall performance and which is run on a daily basis by the Headteacher.  We work closely with the Headteacher to set the overall aim and direction of the school and to monitor progress. Some of our responsibilities are:

  • To ensure the school fulfils its statutory duties - checking that policies are in place and all legal requirements are fulfilled.

  • Challenge and support the school leadership team - reading reports, attending meetings and asking questions to ensure that the school is continually moving forward.

  • To help shape the vision and direction of the school - we meet regularly with staff and parents to share our thoughts and ideas for the future.

  • Ensuring that the curriculum is broad, balanced and setting targets for pupil achievement.

  • Appointing the Head and Deputy Headteacher.

  • Overseeing the schools finance.


Governor Meetings

The Governors meet six times a year as a Full Governing Body (FGB).  At these meetings we receive a detailed report from the Headteacher, review how we are doing against our aims, School Development Plan and agree the annual school budget.

Additionally, we also have a resources sub-committee which meets twice a term. Some Governors also have specific interest areas or responsibilities such as Special Educational Needs and Child Protection. 

Individual Governors are also appointed for specific curriculum areas and in addition they visit the school on a regular basis to talk to staff and children and observe teaching. This enables the Governing Body to monitor progress against the School Improvement Plan.


Becoming a Governor

A Governors role is a time-consuming but rewarding role particularly as we are privileged to have such a committed and hard-working Headteacher and Staff.  We advertise vacancies as they arise but feel free to contact me if you are interested in becoming a Governor.

Leigh-Ann Ogborne, Chair of Governors

