Miss Brammer and Mrs Grey warmly welcome you to Mole Class.
Mole Class enjoy learning together and they enjoy many different activities. We like listening to stories, moving to music and sharing our news with our class teachers, our amazing learning support assistants (Mrs King and Mrs Turnell) and our friends.
When we are together, we work hard to follow the Golden Rules. We have our own class charter which we have all signed and a marble jar which we fill as we achieve things together as a class. It is very exciting when we fill the jar and receive a class treat!
In our classroom we have a cosy book corner and a lovely minibeast rug with a place for us all to sit. Our class is full of interesting resources and we all have our own drawer and peg to keep our belongings safe.
We enjoy reading books. Some of us prefer reading and listening to stories but lots of us like to read non-fiction books too. We like to relax in the book corner with our friends. We read lots at home to achieve our Dino reading challenges.
Throughout the year we will be learning new facts and practising new skills. This includes learning who the first person on the moon was and exploring the seasons throughout the year using our school grounds. We also enjoy finding out which countries make up the United Kingdom and learning about different artists. In PE, during our games lessons, we practise our catching and throwing skills as well as developing our gymnastic and dance skills. In computing we use laptops, iPads and Beebots to learn many skills.
We learn so much in Year 1 where we not only grow taller but we also grow and develop our skills and knowledge too!