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Westfields Infant School

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Parents in School

If you wish to volunteer to help within school, the following guidelines will be helpful.  We really appreciate the time you give and, of course, it benefits the children and school in so many ways.


DBS Checks (formerly CRB Checks)

It is a statutory requirement that all employees and volunteers in school must receive clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service to work in schools.  Please ask at the office for the appropriate form. 


Routines and Policies

Volunteers will soon become familiar with the day-to-day routines.  We have very clear policies for every aspect of school life which are consistently applied across school.  As a parent you are entitled to see any school policy which is available from the school office.  However, in practise, it is probably quicker and easier to ask a member of staff who will be happy to explain things. 



As a school we encourage pupils to gain independence as they go through school and begin this practise in Year R.  Please resist the temptation to do simple tasks for children but encourage them to have a go for themselves e.g. cutting out, getting dressed, fastening coats up etc. By all means, show and help but don’t do it for them. 


Manners and Mutual Respect

We encourage and expect good manners, good behaviour, politeness and an atmosphere of mutual respect between all members of the school community.  Please do not accept anything other than these from pupils you are working with.  Please inform the class teacher immediately if there are any problems of this kind.



Please respect all aspects of confidentiality concerning the school.  It is not appropriate or helpful to discuss pupils, members of staff or specific incidents in school, whilst in the supermarket, playground or with groups of friends.  Careless comment without full understanding of issues can often cause unnecessary concerns or anxieties.
