School Uniform
School Uniform
Winter (required)
- school logo sweatshirt, red jumper, red cardigan
- white or red polo shirt
- grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
Summer (optional)
- white and red gingham or striped dress
- white or red polo shirt
- grey shorts
- winter uniform can also be worn in the summer
Footwear (required)
- sensible shoes (no trainers or boots please)
P.E. Kit (required)
- white t-shirt
- red shorts
- trainers
- tracksuit or jumper and jogging bottoms (KS1 winter kit) - optional
Most items are available from local stores. School sweatshirts, cardigans, fleeces, P.E. shorts, P.E. bags, book bags and water bottles are available through the school office.
Please ensure that all your child’s clothes are named. It makes it much easier to find them should they go missing. (Clothes that are unnamed will be labelled by classroom staff).