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Westfields Infant School

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Miss Phillimore warmly welcomes you to Hedgehog Class!


In Hedgehog Class we work as a team to have fun and develop our learning and skills! The children and adults work together to create engaging and joyful learning opportunities. The wonderful Mrs Horsgood and Mrs Regan are also a part of the Hedgehog Team and together we help everyone to achieve their best and find true pleasure in learning. Our class Hedgehog ‘Hedgy’ helps us to enjoyably carry out our learning by always being around our classroom for support (and he’s nice to have a little cuddle with if we need too!).


In Hedgehog Class we follow our Golden Rules to ensure that everybody in the class has a safe, fun and engaging environment to learn and explore in. We also work hard to achieve stars in our jar to work towards a class treat to celebrate the teamwork and amazing choices the class have made! We are working hard on ‘actively listening’ by making sure our actions match the words that our grown-ups and peers are saying to us.


In our classroom we believe that learning opportunities can be accessed in all areas! We have a relaxing book corner to enjoy a quiet moment with a story, a fine motor area to help us build our finger and hand muscles, a construction area with a variety of materials, an art area to express our creativity and learn art skills, a role play area which resembles a section of a home (this is a very popular area!) and also a writing and maths area.


We learn so many new things from seasonal changes, healthy lifestyles, Diwali and the story of Christmas to light and dark, transport, space and the environment around us. We also have so much fun in our phonics lessons, learning all our phonemes and graphemes as well as developing our understanding of number and numerical patterns!


In Hedgehog Class we love exploring and playing outside. We particularly love messy play in the mud kitchen, getting in the giant sand pit with our wellies on and also making full use of the construction area. We are fascinated with our bug hotel and enjoy the potion station and creating with the art easel as well! We are very lucky to be able to go outside in all weathers and learn alongside our friends from Squirrel and Fox Class.
