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Miss Webster welcomes you to Badger Class

The most important thing to know about badger class is that we always try our best. We really enjoy learning new things and if we are stuck, we try lots of different ways to solve the problem.

Recently we have been thinking about the golden rules as well as making our own classroom rules. We are especially good at being kind to one another, listening and tidying our classroom.


Every day we practise counting all the way to 30, forwards and backwards! We have also been learning to count in 2s and 10s, which is tricky, but counting games and songs make it fun! 


In art we have been drawing and painting self-portraits. We focused on adding little details like eyelashes and learnt how to use shapes to create different parts of our face. We have also been writing about ourselves and our families. Badgers are brilliant at writing accurate sentences!


Buzz the badger is our class pet. He cheers us on when we need help and sets us mini challenges to complete while he sleeps.
