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Westfields Infant School

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Aims, Ethos and Values

The Vision of Westfields Federation

Aim, Ethos and Values of Westfields Infant School



At Westfields Infant School, our aim is for children to experience the joy of learning, enabling them to develop personally, socially & academically.



At Westfields Infant School, our ethos is to provide a happy, secure and welcoming learning environment which builds mutually respectful relationships where all children and adults are valued. We deliver a creative and engaging curriculum that helps children develop the knowledge, skills and understanding in order to access the next stage of their learning journey and we support our children to develop positive attitudes, skills and behaviours in preparation for life.



At Westfields Infant School, we promote the values of kindness, honesty, respect, the importance of listening and doing our very best as part of our Golden Rules:

In addition to this, we encourage children's learning behaviours. These link to our PSHE curriculum and follow the Jigsaw Programme:
