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Maths Day

Today was a busy day across the Federation with over 600 children taking part in some very exciting Maths activities.

We started the day looking at how we can find maths everywhere around us; door numbers, car number plates, even speed signs – so watch out – they may be checking your speed!

Each year group had a different book to inspire their learning - Year R looked at patterns through ‘Hooray for Fish’,  Year 1 looked at ‘Let’s Fly a Kite’ making kites which were symmetrical. Year 2 looked at ‘Once Upon a Time Map’ to create a new tablecloth for the Queen of Hearts by rotating objects through repeating patterns.

One of the highlights was also the Maths Trails around our school. Each year group went on the hunt for numbers, shapes and other mathematical features in the Key Stage 1 Playground. It was lovely to see the children working together and helping each other solve the problems.

In the afternoon Year 1 and 2 swapped maths games they had made with Years 3 and 4. It was such a lovely day and hopefully the children could see just how much maths is around them!

