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Year R Bekonscot Model Village Trip

We went to Bekonscot Model Village – it was amazing!   

The day started off very excitingly as for some of us it was our first time on a coach. When we arrived at Bekonscot we were greeted by Cathy who told us all about the history of the model village – it is the oldest model village in the world and has been open for 94 years! We found out what transport was like 90 years ago and it didn’t sound very comfortable.  

We explored the model village and everyone had a different favourite thing that they saw but some of the highlights were: the funfair; the house with the thatched roof on fire; the man sitting on the toilet as his house was falling down; the castles; the big fish in the pond; the windmill; the little shops. As you can imagine there was so much to explore and see but one of the most exciting things was seeing the trains go all around the village. We even got to go on our own train ride which was very exciting too. 

We had a fantastic day, the weather was perfect and the children were all really well behaved. Thank you to all the volunteers who accompanied us. When can we go again?! 
